GUEST speaking

Why Invite a Guest Speaker?
Having a guest speaker at your event can elevate the overall experience for your guests.
In a world often devoid of genuine hope and encouragement, Holly Oden's voice rises like a beacon of light, guiding hearts and minds towards the transformative power of faith in Christ. With 18 years of devoted pastoring and community service, Holly has not only officiated weddings, and funerals, and led public events such as Memorial Day and Veterans Day, but also brought God’s latest Word with a fervor that ignites every soul in the room.
In Holly Oden, we find a preacher who doesn’t merely speak words but lives them. Her testimony is a testament to the divine power of Jesus Christ to transform and renew, a beacon for those seeking recovery and a deeper understanding of their identity in Christ. Her passion for sharing God’s miracles and her unwavering faith provide a powerful reminder that through Christ, all things are possible. She is not just a speaker; she is a vessel of God’s grace, guiding others to discover the transformative power of faith and the enduring promise of recovery.
What sets Holly apart is a remarkable gift of encouragement and edification—a gift used to breathe life into every message shared. With a passion that is palpable, Holly teaches the importance of identity in Christ, a subject that resonates deeply in an era where many seek purpose and belonging.
But what truly captivates is Holly’s testimony—a powerful narrative of recovery from life’s darkest pits and the miraculous interventions of God. Through personal trials and triumphs, Holly embodies the living testimony that God indeed turns tests into testimonies and messes into messages. This journey from darkness to light is not just shared; it’s lived and demonstrated, offering hope and inspiration to all who listen.
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1 hr
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15 min