Regular, faithful participation in Biblical worship is the primary way we can ensure we are living out the reality of our union with Christ.

sunday worship services 10:45am
Sunday worship services play a crucial role in shaping and reaffirming our identity in Christ. They provide a dedicated time to connect with God through prayer, praise, and the teachings of Scripture. Regular gathering strengthens our sense of belonging to the body of Christ, reminding us that we are not alone in our journey. Worship services also offer an opportunity for spiritual growth, encouraging us to live out our faith and embrace our true identity as God's beloved children. They serve as a weekly anchor, grounding us in our values and purpose, and inspiring us to carry Christ's love and light into the world.

bible study 9:30 am
Group Bible study is integral to nurturing and affirming our identity in Christ. It offers a space for collective exploration of Scripture, fostering deeper understanding and personal growth. Sharing insights and experiences with others strengthens our sense of community and belonging within the body of Christ. These studies encourage mutual support and accountability, helping us to live out our faith more authentically. By engaging in group Bible study, we reinforce our identity as disciples of Christ, rooted in His teachings and united in our commitment to grow spiritually together.

youth group
Teaching children their identity in Christ at an early age lays a solid foundation for their spiritual and emotional development. It instills a sense of purpose, worth, and belonging that can guide them through life's challenges. By understanding that they are valued, loved, and uniquely created by God, children develop confidence and resilience. This early grounding helps them navigate peer pressure, build healthy relationships, and make wise choices. Moreover, it fosters a deep, personal connection with God that can grow and flourish throughout their lives, empowering them to live out their faith with authenticity and joy.
Inner Healing: Understanding one's identity in Christ can lead to inner healing, addressing the root causes of addiction such as pain, rejection, or insecurity.
Community Support: Church and faith communities often provide essential support, encouragement, and accountability.
Renewed Mindset: Embracing a Christ-centered identity fosters a positive, renewed mindset, vital for breaking free from addictive behaviors.