inspirational stories
meet pam.

"I may not be where I need to be,
but praise God I'm not where I used to be."
Pam's Inspiring Journey
Pam Wendland was born and raised in Mystic, IA. She struggled with severe depression following the sudden deaths of her mother, father, and younger sister. Though she had believed in God for most of her adult life, she had never experienced a loving relationship with Him as her Father through Jesus Christ. After this tragic loss, Pam's debilitating low self-esteem, stemming from years of abuse, became too much for her to handle alone.
In her search for healing, Pam found herself at the New Hope Christian Counseling Center, where she completed and graduated from their program. It was here that Pam began to understand her true identity in Christ, which became the cornerstone of her healing process. She started attending regular services at Mystic Community Church and discovered her passion for serving in the children's ministry, along with various other roles. Pam then joined the volunteer workforce to help build and operate the Hope Chest Thrift Store Ministry in Centerville, IA.
Pam continues to serve at the Hope Chest, assists the elderly in her community daily, and has become a true Champion of Mystic Community Church, making a significant difference in the lives of others. For over 20 years, Pam has been a dedicated servant at Mystic Kid's Place, providing transportation for children to and from church several times a week. Recently, the church blessed her with a vehicle to continue this essential service.
Pam diligently maintains God's house, taking charge of maintenance projects and assisting the pastor in any way needed, regardless of the task's size. Now, with her identity firmly rooted in Christ, she is full of joy, incredibly fun to be around, and places her complete trust in the Lord, sharing this message often. Pam's presence lights up the entire building, bringing a vibrant energy to the church's atmosphere and loving others deeply. Mystic Community Church is truly blessed to have her on the team.
Her motto is, "I may not be where I need to be, but praise God I'm not where I used to be."

From Darkness to Light:
Tim's Journey to Baptism
"My name is Tim Hatfield, 37 years old. I grew up in Mystic, Iowa. I am giving my testimony today in preparation for my baptism. Before I came to know Jesus, life was hard. I was in trouble with the law, in and out of prison from 18 to 29 years old. I was an addict, always looking for my next fix. I struggled with my addiction really hard, so hard that one day I was ready to give up. I tried committing suicide by taking a handful of pills. I ended up getting life-flighted to Des Moines. When I woke up in that hospital, I knew there was something missing in my life; I just didn’t know what it was at that time.
I’ve always gone to church, but it was here and there. It wasn’t until about a year ago that I started going every week. The more I went, I realized this is what I was missing. I finally found it. We had been going to The Bridge Church, and that is where my fiancée got baptized. I wanted to get baptized with her, but something was telling me, "No, not the right time or place," and that someone was Jesus.
That night, Jesus started talking to me. He kept giving me the name Holly. He said it over and over: "She is supposed to baptize you. She’s the right person. Mystic is the right place. Reach out to her." After Jesus has been in my life, He has given me new and better opportunities that I am thankful for. He provides for me daily, and I don’t worry anymore. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. He died on the cross for our sins.
Here is a scripture that comes to me all the time, Proverbs 3:5-6: 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.'
Today, I get baptized because I know with Jesus in my life, everything is so much better. I’m so thankful to be here today, and without Jesus, I wouldn’t be. It is all because of Him that I am still here today.
I want to thank Lacy, my two daughters, the rest of my family and friends, and Holly for supporting me and guiding me on my journey with Jesus Christ."
Embrace Your Identity and Walk in the Power and Purpose God Has Designed for You
Change is difficult, filled with ups and downs, and requires motivation and commitment. However, living a life of hope is worth the price. Holly (Moorman) Oden was born and raised in Mystic, Iowa, among 10 other brothers and sisters. After a series of life-altering events, Pastor Jim & Joan Altmaier, original ministers of Mystic Church, led her to receive Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior in 2001. She caught God’s vision and has been running with it ever since.
Holly’s first experience in ministry was helping with the Mystic Youth Group, Kid’s Place, 20 years ago. Life took an unexpected turn after the tragic death of her sons' father. She found deep healing in Christ from her root problems. Change is difficult, filled with ups and downs, and requires motivation and commitment, but living a life of hope is worth the price. Holly has made it her life's ambition to empower others by sharing God’s hope as much as she can, wherever she can, whenever she can, as long as she can.
Her dedication extends to teaching, leading, and pastoring at Mystic Community Church, which she has now been doing for 17 years. Holly was chosen as one of Iowa’s top 4 “Remarkable Women” in 2020 and had her story featured on WHO Channel 13. She completed a Uganda, Africa Missions trip in 2015 for "Women of Hope" in Kasaroza, and served to fund that ministry for several years. Holly's latest endeavor is advocating for her platform "Women of Hope" in support of women overcoming life-challenging circumstances. Holly is also actively promoting the Mystic Recovery Group.
One of Holly's greatest aspirations in life is raising up other Hope Dealers for the Kingdom of God. She completed and published an several adult “Hope” coloring book with the help of inmates and prisoners, which one may purchase online at Lulu.com along with "The Mystic War Book" praying for Mystic, and her book Ziklag.
She personally built a thrift store ministry, The Hope Chest Thrift Store, with a driving unction, a hammer, and a prayer. From this hope-dealing store, proceeds go to provide free counseling, a free medical loan closet, children’s free outreaches, and many other services. She had passionately served as the Thrift Store Ministries Director from 2016-2024. She had actively served New Hope in many talented ways, one passion and gifted area being graphic design, for 18 years. Through the platform she personally created she served in the community and led many charitable efforts and fundraisers in support of raising others up. This includes the "Back To School Bash," providing free school clothing and supplies for kids; “Coats for Kids” (a free coat giveaway); as well as the "Children’s Free Christmas Shopping Extravaganza". She also created a ministry outreach that helps provide for local house fire victims and many single working mothers through HAPI (Hope Assistance Program Initiative) extended outreach.
Holly and her husband, Shawn (20 years), live on a farm and have 5 boys: Caleb, Logan, Tiger, Whitton, and Tye. Having grown up with strong, self-motivated, entrepreneur parents (and 10 brothers and sisters), she lives by the motto: “I have not failed; I have found 10,000 ways that do not work—and only ONE that does.”